Folk Music Society of NY, Inc.
Eisteddfod-NY Festival of Traditional Music
October 16-18, 2009; Held in Catskill, NY

Be a part of it.  Advertise in the Souvenir Program Book

Every Eisteddfod-NY attendee will receive a copy of our Souvenir Program Book, which contains details of the performers, schedule, and more. The deadline for inclusion is October 2, 2009. For inquiries or questions, please send an email, or call Eileen Pentel at 718-672-6399.

Display Ad Rates

Ad Size Cost Width Height
Full Page $100 4-5/8" 7-3/4"
Half Page $50 4-5/8" 3-3/4"
Quarter Page $25 2-1/4" 3-3/4"
Eighth Pagae $13 2-1/4" 1-3/4"

* Of course, the back page would be available for only one Ad—unless other advertisers would like to have only part of the back page (double the regular cost). First come, first served.

Send ads and checks made out to FMSNY to: Heather Wood, 444 West 54th Street, #7, New York, NY 10019. <email>


Name of store/vendor____________________________________

Name of contact person___________________________________

Address______________________________ City __________State___ Zip code______

Telephone numbers day_____________________ evening_____________

Please give me ad which is sized Full page___ Half Page___ ¼ page___ 1/8 page___

I am enclosing a check for the amount of $_________  or I will send a check for the amount of $_______ before Oct. 9th, 2008.